Touch Tablet News is a website specializing in games and applications on touch tablets, Android tablets (Thinkpad, Galaxy Tab, Iconia Tab, EEE Pad, …) and iOS (iPad 2, iPad). It proposes news, files, game testing and applications, photos and videos.

  • It’s her birthday, Happy Birthday Google Play.


On this occasion, Google embarked on a week’s promotion and free apps. Applications and games but also music, books and movies. Yea-ahhh it’s now or never to see what‘s happening on the side of Google Play.

Among the games to 50% you will find for example Monopoly (review here) to € 1.90 or Need

Good Anniversary Google Play for your 1 years

Good Anniversary Google Play for your 1 years

For Speed ​​Most Wanted (review here) to 1.84 . So treat yourself by visiting the Google Play.

  • In any case, I hope he is still improving to give us still more fun.

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