Touch Tablet News is a website specializing in games and applications on touch tablets, Android tablets (Thinkpad, Galaxy Tab, Iconia Tab, EEE Pad, …) and iOS (iPad 2, iPad). It proposes news, files, game testing and applications, photos and videos.

Fast & Furious 6 Test

Fast & Furious 6

  • No need to love tuning to love this game, do not worry. But it can still help. You’ll understand that it is from the movie of the same name released in early May. One way to create the event and celebrate the expected output fans of the series. You play as a beginner race car driver trying to get a place in the middle. The adventure takes place in London, where many cars you drive in crazy races. The graphics are really beautiful, it is one of the highlights of the game freemium is always a little less pleasant, as in many racing games like … The basic version is free to download to get an opinion!
  • The Test


There are many cutscenes in Fast & Furious 6, but even in the phases of the game, you’d think so The graphics are really great, we approach what is the best in the genre of iPad. Quality, flow, everything is there. To see to believe!
16/20:You must perform a series of missions and beat opponents to make a name for yourself in your community. You need to master this departure, speed changes, use boosts, drifts to And cross the finish line first.
16/20:You go make your assignments to the 4 corners of the city using the map. They tend to look alike, do not expect a big turnover Life is also limited by the freemium. The scope is not huge
17/20:soundtrack hip-hip, of course! it does not slap bad, and it helps set the mood. And during the driving phases, is of course the engines are heard. Music and sound effects are up to the graphics, it is nickel.
13/20:The game is free, but there are integrated shopping and remind you that freemium is a good way to monetize a game cars. To win, you will often use them Because they are a very easy way to win.
General Note
Film fans should love. The graphics are beautiful, the way of monetizing a little less. A test anyway!

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  •  Bluetooth Keyboard for Ipad Mini

You can watch the keyboards for tablets at full speed. It seems that the Microsoft Surface, even if it is not a commercial success, gave ideas. It is now easily fit keyboards for each tablet, to get back to basics and get closer to the computer. Like what, it was well worth introducing the panel if it is to go back!

More seriously, there are things that touch is not practical. To play or surf the web is perfect for writing a long email or work less And rather than multiplying media, both have a keyboard to add to its tablet to have a material all-in-one! Among the many that exist on the market, we chose to present to you today the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover.

  • logitech Ultrathin

logitech  ultrathin

This keyboard has been designed specifically for the iPad Mini. It weighs 208 grams and is available in white and black. It is wireless, you just have to put your iPad Mini quietly on the placeholder to recreate the equivalent of a mini laptop. A magnet system will make it easier. The keypad will allow you to make the display on the screen, type faster, and even use shell! For fans, it only costs 79.99 euros. You can buy it on the website of Logitech.


  • Vidéo:

Test about Microsoft Surface ProLogo Microsoft Surface

There is more or less a year, Microsoft unveiled Surface, its first line of tablet supposed to walk on the toes of the

iconic iPad. The initiative for the less daring and characterized by Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, pump priming, was primarily intended to show the partners of the firm the way forward for the development of Windows 8 tablets. At least it is the official version. Anyway, it was a first in the history of Microsoft who took the considerable risk of courroucer somewhat partners.

Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface

With Surface, Microsoft is currently offering a relatively simple range consists of two models: Surface RT moderated by all new Windows RT and Surface Pro Windows 8 driven by the conventional system. Surface RT was launched last fall at the same time as Windows 8. At the time, we had not been convinced by the tablet (Microsoft Surface: the test), the ARM architecture, in tune with the times, it certainly gave autonomy and lightness sought, but the system operation was clearly immature not to mention annoying performance problems.

Microsoft Surface Pro - Xbox Music

Almost a year after the announcement, and not far from three months after its U.S. launch, Microsoft offers on French soil, the surface that we do more attention: Surface Pro, ie the x86 version of the tablet busy this time above the real Windows 8. This Surface is she good?

Surface Pro2

Surface Pro1Surface Pro : between tablet and PC

From the outset, before addressing the technical or design, we must return to the delicate positioning nothing Surface Pro. Because it runs on Windows 8, the system is compatible with all Windows applications and devices. It is possible to install the Photoshop or even Steam and Origin for instance. The PC user will inevitably seduced by this, while the format of Surface Pro gives it the status of tablet. A delicate to handle status. As soon as we talk about tablet, the reference is required is the iPad and inevitably face the iPad, Surface Pro can not be able to fight as we shall see later. So, Surface Pro fits well with the spirit of compromise Windows 8 since we are ultimately in the presence of a laptop in a tablet format. A criterion to keep in mind as we progress in our test.

 Test: Microsoft Surface Pro//Tablette / Ultrabook

Assez Bon
  • Les plus:

Architecture x86

Vrai environnement Windows !

Performance, fluidité, réactivité

  • Les Moins:



Faible autonomie

Pas d’Office complet/Clavier en option

  • It’s her birthday, Happy Birthday Google Play.


On this occasion, Google embarked on a week’s promotion and free apps. Applications and games but also music, books and movies. Yea-ahhh it’s now or never to see what‘s happening on the side of Google Play.

Among the games to 50% you will find for example Monopoly (review here) to € 1.90 or Need

Good Anniversary Google Play for your 1 years

Good Anniversary Google Play for your 1 years

For Speed ​​Most Wanted (review here) to 1.84 . So treat yourself by visiting the Google Play.

  • In any case, I hope he is still improving to give us still more fun.

             .Paper Tab,the flexible tablet of Intel

 1.Finite stiffness so and place a flexible tablet that you can deform the way you want. To use certain features, you have to bend a corner of the Paper Tab, or use a stylus which inevitably leads back to the paper and pencil. And in the example shot, it is even possible to use multiple tablets, each associated with a particular application. In short, it’s paper as well as a tablet.


And you, what you expect?

Image representing Bill Gates as depicted in C...

Image via CrunchBase

 Bill Gates believes that the iPad will lose his world crown

  1. Coue method or real strategic vision? For Bill Gates, the domination of Apple shares on the tablet market will reach its end soon. Involved, the experience deemed “frustrating” terminal at the apple.

Interviewed by CNBC, the founder of Microsoft believes that users want to create office documents with their tablets and therefore “able to type and use Office.” It is recalled that physical keyboards for iPad are on sale for years and third-party solutions for word processing or spreadsheet available for iPad …For Bill Gates, this “frustration” caused opens the doors to hybrid terminals Windows 8, considered “revolutionary”. It is therefore only a “matter of time” before Windows passes Apple.The figures are still far from him right. In the first quarter, Apple still assumes 39.6% market share globally, says IDC, Microsoft office last good: it only sold 900,000 units of its shelf space over the period. Or a market share of 1.8%, still well below a small seller like Amazon for example.

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

      2. New Wave Windows 8.1

Microsoft is nevertheless arrived late on the market, and its solutions, including Surface Pro, are not even available in all all countries covered by its competitors.To dethrone Apple, Redmond put on a new range of products according to Digitimes will be announced at its annual Build conference in late June. It would be several models of area from July to September inch Windows 8.1. This is indeed the purpose of this new version of Windows: contact terminals with small screens.For its part, an analyst at NPD DisplaySearch mentions specifically a size of 7.5 inches for the smallest model

.It could be also that these tablets ship the brand new Intel Haswell will be available in early June. Engraved in 22 nm, it was thought to improve the autonomy of very significant to provide a range of 8 to 10 hours depending on the equipment and uses.

If so some rely on the fall of King Apple, others believe that it is the global tablet market that has no future. We owe this highly risky Thorsten Heins, CEO of BlackBerry prediction.

 He believes that “in five years, nobody will need a tablet.” It is true that the Canadian expertise in tablet, with the Playbook, has not really been successful