Touch Tablet News is a website specializing in games and applications on touch tablets, Android tablets (Thinkpad, Galaxy Tab, Iconia Tab, EEE Pad, …) and iOS (iPad 2, iPad). It proposes news, files, game testing and applications, photos and videos.

Test about Microsoft Surface ProLogo Microsoft Surface

There is more or less a year, Microsoft unveiled Surface, its first line of tablet supposed to walk on the toes of the

iconic iPad. The initiative for the less daring and characterized by Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, pump priming, was primarily intended to show the partners of the firm the way forward for the development of Windows 8 tablets. At least it is the official version. Anyway, it was a first in the history of Microsoft who took the considerable risk of courroucer somewhat partners.

Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface

With Surface, Microsoft is currently offering a relatively simple range consists of two models: Surface RT moderated by all new Windows RT and Surface Pro Windows 8 driven by the conventional system. Surface RT was launched last fall at the same time as Windows 8. At the time, we had not been convinced by the tablet (Microsoft Surface: the test), the ARM architecture, in tune with the times, it certainly gave autonomy and lightness sought, but the system operation was clearly immature not to mention annoying performance problems.

Microsoft Surface Pro - Xbox Music

Almost a year after the announcement, and not far from three months after its U.S. launch, Microsoft offers on French soil, the surface that we do more attention: Surface Pro, ie the x86 version of the tablet busy this time above the real Windows 8. This Surface is she good?

Surface Pro2

Surface Pro1Surface Pro : between tablet and PC

From the outset, before addressing the technical or design, we must return to the delicate positioning nothing Surface Pro. Because it runs on Windows 8, the system is compatible with all Windows applications and devices. It is possible to install the Photoshop or even Steam and Origin for instance. The PC user will inevitably seduced by this, while the format of Surface Pro gives it the status of tablet. A delicate to handle status. As soon as we talk about tablet, the reference is required is the iPad and inevitably face the iPad, Surface Pro can not be able to fight as we shall see later. So, Surface Pro fits well with the spirit of compromise Windows 8 since we are ultimately in the presence of a laptop in a tablet format. A criterion to keep in mind as we progress in our test.

 Test: Microsoft Surface Pro//Tablette / Ultrabook

Assez Bon
  • Les plus:

Architecture x86

Vrai environnement Windows !

Performance, fluidité, réactivité

  • Les Moins:



Faible autonomie

Pas d’Office complet/Clavier en option

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